Opportunities for trade in Mexico
If you are new to exploring the opportunities for trade in Mexico be prepared to meet business acronyms, many of them. Each one plays a vital role in paving the way to launching and maintaining sales in this vibrant market.
Which brings us back to the NOM. In its full expanded form the NOM reads: Norma Oficial Mexicana. NOM standards are national legal compliance standards set by various agencies in Mexico. A NOM standard contains 4 segments, for example NOM-006-SCFI-2012
The first segment identifies the type of standard, in this case the NOM which reflects official legislation.The second segment labels the numeration record of the standard.
The next lettered segment indicates which government agency has required this standard eg: Finance, Energy.
The final entry tells us in which year the standard was enacted.
With more than 2,000 products requiring certification and no centralized listing available to prospective investors the assistance of experienced trade specialists is invaluable. This is especially true since the individual business owner is held responsible for compliance.
Ignorance of the changing statutes would not be an excuse. Choose a reliable expert and be safe.