
Protect Your Brand. Some countries, like China, look to the registrant only, ignoring first use. If you have a brand, and someone else registers it, you have no recourse. We can search foreign trademark databases to see if your mark is already registered.

According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) “the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no effect in a foreign country".

Legally, unless you hold a patent or trademark in the country in question, you have little recourse to protect your name. In some countries, intellectual property theft is rampant, condoned by governments eager to reap short-term economic benefits.

The Madrid Protocol, managed by WIPO, allows for simultaneous filing in almost 100 countries but can be costly and complex.

We manage trademark filings throughout Europe, the Americas, and Asia. We have direct representation in the EU, the USA, Canada, Mexico, and China. We offer swift comprehensive filings to ensure you have the full protection you need to protect your brand.